Nhon Binh Ward is assessed to be one among the most vulnerable areas in Quy Nhon City, located at the end of Ha Thanh River, increasingly affected by saline intrusion, flood, storm and also urban development. After assessing vulnerability and needs of local people in two particular areas in Nhon Binh ward – Area 7 and Area 9 as recommended by local authorities – the young chemistry-specialized students took water samples to analyze and to elaborate concrete solutions of reducing risks. According to the finding with saline degree 5 times higher than standard, the implementation team install a RO water filter into households chosen with criteria.
As a ribbon effect, during installing the model for the first 5 households, there have been more people come to visit and test the improved quality of water, willing to contribute 50% total budget for the filter installed. The Climate Change Coordination Office (CCCO) of Binh Dinh Province acknowledges this success and recommends replicating the model